The salt of the earth…

Every story has its flavor

We offer a wide range of ingredients for food products

Have we piqued your interest? Contact us!

Choose quality

Why Ion Moș?

We specialize in supplying ingredients for the food industry. We own three dry mix plants in Romania, an application center to support R&D, and a logistics system.

Certified specialists

The R&D team consists of 8 specialists trained to offer various solutions to meet customer needs.

Food Safety and Quality Control

We carry out microbiological and physicochemical analyses: texture analysis, granulometry, titrimetric determinations, spectrophotometry, viscometry and rheometry, HPLC.

Customer orientation

Our values ​​are affirmed in product development, customer relations, short reaction time and competitive solutions.

In business


Years of experience
Present in more than 20 countries

The salt of the earth…


Meat Products

Ingrediente pentru o gamă completă de carne procesată

Marinated Products

Ingrediente de inalta calitate pentru marinate


Seasonings Ion Mos adaugă adevăratul gust al naturii produselor

Soups And Sauces

Amestecuri si Arome cele mai bune sosuri sau supe

Sugary Products

Portofoliul nostru include arome și arome naturale, lichide și pudre

Bakery Products

Pentru industria de panificație oferim arome și arome naturale

Dairy Products

Oferim arome naturale diverselor sectoare din industria lactatelor

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Avada Caterer Partner
Avada Caterer Partner
Avada Caterer Partner
Avada Caterer Partner